Prof. Dr. Anne Köchling

Prof. Dr. Anne Köchling, Vice Director | Professorin of Tourism

Completed doctorate in cooperation with the Leuphana University of Lüneburg (Prof. Dr. Martin Lohmann) Abstract (German) Destination websites operated by destination marketing/management organizations (DMOs) are an important source of information for tourists in the pre-travel phase. DMOs are increasingly using experiential marketing on their websites to support positive online destination experiences (ODE) before the trip […]

Ann-Kathrin Klinger, M.Sc.

Ann-Kathrin Klinger, M.Sc., Scientific instructor for tourism market research

The cumulative doctoral project will investigate the extent to which agent-based modeling can be used to predict visitor flows and how this modeling can be specifically optimized through the use of artificial intelligence. The first publication will include a systematic literature review on the current state of research on agent-based modeling in tourism and its […]

Prof. Dr. Julian Reif

Prof. Dr. Julian Reif, Vice Director | Chair of Tourism

Completed doctorate (2021) in cooperation with the Institute of Geography at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Prof. Dr. Claus-Christian Wiegandt) Knowing how tourists move to and within a destination has become essential for sustainable destination development and has become even more important as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and the associated need to know about […]

Dr. Thomas Alpen

The focus of Dipl.-Kfm. (FH) Thomas Alpen’s doctorate in cooperation with the research project “Design and implementation of an internet-based tourism information system” was a topic at the interface between tourism and IT. The doctorate was successfully completed.

Dr. Dipl. Geogr. Petra Dehm

The dissertation focused on the methodology for measuring the brand strength of destinations. Various measurement methods are currently used in the service industry. Derived from these, a method adapted to the special features of destinations was developed and tested using the example of Spain. The dissertation was carried out at the University of Trier, Chair […]

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