As a defining differentiator from private travel, the business traveler’s change of location takes place in connection with the exercise of his or her profession. The travel activity is therefore geared towards the purpose of the company and is caused by the economic relationships of geographically separate actors. Business travellers are characterized by a number of special features of demand behaviour, some of which clearly distinguish them from other travellers. For this reason alone, a more in-depth examination of this demand segment is advisable. Although business travelers make use of the same tourism infrastructure, they have different demands and motives, so that the business travel market often requires additional supply elements. Much is still unknown about business travelers, their motives and needs as well as the influence of the ever faster changing socio-technological framework conditions. At the same time, there is a great need for information about the business travel market in the industry. Against this background, the Institute for Management and Tourism (IMT) at the FH Westküste University of Applied Sciences (Heide) and Institut für Tourismus- und Bäderforschung in Nordeuropa GmbH (NIT) (Kiel) are working on business travel tourism as part of a research project. In addition to a joint textbook “Business Travel”, business travelers are now being focused on for the first time under the study name “Reiseanalyse Business 2019” as part of the travel analysis of the Forschungsgemeinschaft Urlaub und Reisen e.V. (FUR). The Reiseanalyse is a representative study on the vacation travel behavior of the German-speaking population in Germany that has been conducted continuously since 1970. However, business travellers are characterized by some special features of demand behaviour, some of which clearly distinguish them from vacation tourists. These peculiarities will now be examined annually under the umbrella of the IMT and NIT travel analysis. In addition to travel volume and behavior, results are available on sustainability and the personal impact of business travel. For this purpose, 1,000 business travelers representative of the German population aged 18-75 were surveyed online.
The summary of the results of the "Reiseanalyse Business 2019" study and the "Reiseanalyse Business 2020" study are available for download.
You can also find further information on the Reiseanalyse website.
West Coast University of Applied Sciences
German Institute for Tourism Research
Fritz-Thiedemann-Ring 20
25746 Heide