The survey shows a growing awareness of the slow trend in general and an increasing importance of slowing down on vacation (“slow tourism”). For 44.5% of respondents, the trend of slowing down or slowness plays a very important or rather important role on vacation. The wishes and expectations of holidaymakers – such as the “experience moments of tranquillity” motif – also offer points of contact for church offerings, which were explored in greater depth as part of the survey. For example, more than a third (36%) of Germans have used church-organized offers on their most recent vacation. It also showed that the majority of holidaymakers interested in church-related offers are 44 years old and younger. The online seminar on 15.06.2020 focused on the following questions based on the survey results: Are church offers well tailored to holidaymakers? How can the church and tourism benefit from each other even more? Why should church communities reach out to tourists? After two short impulses from Prof. Dr. Antz and Bishop Magaard, these and other questions were discussed with the participants. The survey was conducted in September 2019 among 1,000 Germans between the ages of 16 and 75. The results of the survey can be viewed here and the online seminar is available here.
The aim of the project was initially to gain insights into the development of the slow trend and its significance on vacation from the perspective of the German population. It also looked at the interest of tourists in and the use of church services by tourists on vacation. The results of the survey were presented and discussed in an online seminar with Prof. Dr. Christian Antz from FH Westküste University of Applied Sciences and Bishop Gothart Magaard.
West Coast University of Applied Sciences
German Institute for Tourism Research
Fritz-Thiedemann-Ring 20
25746 Heide