Maturity model Smart Destination

Strategic development
Own funds project

Project duration

The maturity model is continuously scientifically monitored within DI Tourismusforschung, so that updated versions of the maturity model and the associated guidelines are published annually and can also be used beyond NRW. As a result of the previous approach, both the maturity model Smart Destination and the guide Smart Destination from 2023 were updated and revised in 2024. In addition, workshops were held for the second time to provide guidance in answering the self-checks. In the next step, the methodological approach to the maturity model will be explained and evaluated as part of a publication, and initial analyses and results will be presented. In addition, a second survey wave will be carried out this year as part of the workshops on the self-checks. Work will then begin on updating the guidelines and the maturity model Smart Destination.

Project description

Together with Tourismus NRW e.V., DI Tourismusforschung 2022 has developed the Smart Destinations maturity model. The maturity model was created as part of the Smart Destination cluster, which was part of the funded project “Tourist data management NRW: open, networked, digital”. Various practice partners from all tourism regions in North Rhine-Westphalia were also involved in the process. Following the revision of the first version in 2024, the further development of the maturity model is now becoming permanent. Ongoing cooperation with Tourismus NRW is essential here. Since 2024, the lead has been with DI Tourismusforschung. By answering the self-checks, the Smart Destination maturity model provides guidance on the extent to which a tourism destination is “smart” – both for its guests and for internal destination processes. The maturity model’s self-checks are supplemented by the guide Smart Destination, which takes a closer look at the various fields of action of Smart Destination and presents use cases. Destinations are provided with a practical guide that – together with the self-checks – supports them in evaluating the status quo of smartness and driving the development towards a Smart Destination. The maturity model Smart Destination is therefore a survey tool that also functions as a further training instrument, particularly through the supplementary guide Smart Destination. In addition, the maturity model has made it possible for the first time to shed light on digitization on site and thus provide stakeholders with a framework for orientation. The maturity model Smart Destination is one of the results of the work carried out together with Tourismus NRW e.V. and all regional partners as part of the Smart Destination cluster. There was a consensus within the cluster that a holistic model was needed to make the topic of Smart Destination tangible. The maturity model Smart Destination shows the three cornerstones of a destination’s digitalization: Data infrastructure, digital applications and digital equipment. In addition, the Smart DMO category asks about overall smartness and, for example, the DMO’s ability to exert influence. By answering the self-checks, destinations can find out how “smart” they currently are and to what extent the existing actual state and the desired target state match. In addition, the relevance for the destination and the knowledge of the individual aspects are queried. This makes it possible to identify specific needs for action. For the assessment of smartness, around 150 statements were formulated from the perspective of DMOs at regional and local level, which in turn were rated by the providers themselves from “very poor” to “optimal”. The four self-checks are:

  • Digital equipment (sensors, WLAN hotspots, info screens, etc.)
  • Digital applications (playout channels such as websites, apps, etc.)
  • Data infrastructure (tourism-relevant information about a region or location (POIs, hotels, etc.))
  • Organizational structure of the respective DMO itself (agility, enabling of service providers, etc.)




Project goals

The aim of the maturity model Smart Destination is to provide an overview of the areas and status quo of digitalization in destinations that need to be considered from a strategic perspective. The maturity model is intended to help ensure that the various components of digitalization can be further developed locally in a synergetic and coordinated manner. With the help of the maturity model, the necessary development steps towards Smart Destination can be made tangible and evaluated in order to identify the need for action and to network with each other in a targeted manner on this basis. Using the maturity model, it is also possible to research the completion of the questionnaires, to make statements on the status quo of Smart Destinations in German tourism and in the DACH region in perspective and to record regional differences and needs for action.

Project results

The results are made available immediately after all questions have been answered. Guided completion of the self-checks is offered to the destinations as part of joint Zoom workshops. The self-checks and the guidelines are continuously revised on the basis of the results and feedback from the workshops and interviews with practitioners. In addition, an annual market analysis is carried out in the form of horizon scanning, which identifies new trends and developments in the field of digitalization and tourism.

The updated guide "Smart Destination 2024" is now available for download here.

Project participants

Project management (external)
Christian Stühring (Tourismus NRW e.V.)
Phone +49 (0) 211 91320-545
E-mail stuehring(at)



Contact at the German Institute for Tourism Research

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