Analysis of passive GPS location events for selected tourism destinations in Schleswig-Holstein (GEOSH)

Travel behavior
Own funds project

Project description

The German Institute for Tourism Research is using anonymized GPS location events from the “” app to investigate the use of this data for tourism science and practice. To this end, frequency data for ten different geometries in Schleswig-Holstein are being evaluated over the course of a year. Digitization opens up new data sources and new perspectives for existing research questions. Spatial data is of particular interest for tourism research and practice. However, there is a discrepancy between the theoretical possibilities of big data analyses and their implementation in research and practice. This independent research project aims to examine the extent to which passive GPS location events, which are recorded using the smartphone advertising ID and are generated as soon as the app user is in a defined area, can be used to measure tourism demand. To this end, anonymized frequency data for ten different destinations in Schleswig-Holstein will be examined by guest group for the year 2019.

Project goals

The aim of the project is to check the validity of the data and to identify possible fields of application in tourism research and destination management.

  • Independent research project
  • Testing the validity and reliability of big data (passive GPS tracking)
  • Daily and weekly frequency data by guest group for 2019
  • Destinations considered: Schleswig-Holstein, North Sea, islands of Sylt and Amrum, St. Peter-Ording, Büsum, Multimar Wattforum, Westerhever lighthouse, retail streets in Lübeck and Kiel
  • Project period: October 2020 - December 2021
  • Use of data in the International Tourism Management degree program

Contact at the German Institute for Tourism Research

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