
Seminar “Successful scientific publishing in tourism” goes into the next round!

Following the positive feedback from participants at the two previous seminars in 2019 and 2022, the successful series of this event format will be repeated in February 2023 and now offers interested parties the opportunity to take part in the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft e.V. (DGT) event again. The idea remains the same – to support interested parties on their way to a scientific publication so that they can share their innovative ideas or existing research results with the scientific community – regardless of whether the participants are young scientists or have been working in the research context for some time.

Attendees can expect a two-day event in Cologne: the first day will focus on writing and publishing in international tourism journals. This is examined from different perspectives.

The second day is planned as a writing workshop where participants will have the opportunity to present and further develop their specific writing projects. In addition to the successful publication of a dissertation or postdoctoral thesis, there are numerous publication opportunities for tourism scientists. These include international journal articles, conference and anthologies, and much more. Our experienced colleague, Prof. Dr. Julian Reif, will present and discuss the various experiences associated with this in the form of a field report.

The event dates at a glance:

Workshop: “Successful scientific publishing in tourism”
Date: 16.02.2023, 09:00 – 16:40 and 17.02.2023, 09:00 – 15:30
Location: German Sport University Cologne, Institute for Outdoor Sport and Environmental Research, Am Sportpark Müngers-dorf 6, D-50933 Cologne, seminar rooms 92+93 in building 18 (NawiMedi)
Target group: tourism scientists working directly at universities or scientific institutes as well as scientifically publishing tourism practitioners
Cost: 170 euros/DGT members, 210 euros/non-members (incl. drinks and snacks as well as lunch in the canteen on both days)
Number of participants: max. 15 persons
Program for the event

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