
LAB-TOUR SH joint research project publishes the first guide to digital visitor management in tourism

The research project “State-wide digital visitor management for tourism in Schleswig-Holstein (LAB-TOUR SH)” has set itself the overarching goal of designing and, as far as possible, implementing an effective state-wide digital visitor management system. This is intended to help promote sustainable tourism development by providing visitors with targeted information on capacity utilization and, above all, temporary overcrowding at tourist attractions and suggesting appropriate alternative destinations. The project started at the beginning of 2022 and will be funded until the end of June 2023 by the European Recovery Fund for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe (REACT-EU) as part of the Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in Schleswig-Holstein 2014 to 2020.
Thanks to the cooperation of all project participants from research and practice, important interim results and experiences for the process of digital visitor management have already been achieved, which will now be successively published in the series “Guide to digital visitor management”. The individual guides each deal with a sub-area and together form a comprehensive guide that is intended to serve as a guide for destinations when implementing digital visitor management.
The first guide to digital visitor management deals with the basics. In addition to a brief introduction to the topic, the general process of digital visitor management is also discussed, the individual components of which are then explained in more detail.
Each guide in the series also contains a compact summary of the most important findings as well as step-by-step instructions.

Further information on the project and the project participants
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