
Announcement: Tourism Day Schleswig-Holstein on 30.11.2023 in Eckernförde

On November 30, 2023, the Tourism Day Schleswig-Holstein will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. with a subsequent supporting program in the Eckernförde town hall. Under the motto “The tourism high in the north – setting the course for the future”, Scientific instructors will provide exciting insights and be available for discussions. Speakers include Tourism Minister Claus Ruhe Madsen and Andreas Reiter from the ZTB Zukunftsbüro.

Tourism in Schleswig-Holstein is more successful than ever before: the industry recorded 15.75 million overnight stays in the first half of 2023 and 37.5 million guests for the whole of last year. Will the high in the north persist? What needs to be done to remain as successful in the future? Because not only the competition, but also the challenges are increasing.

Being open to new ideas and flexible is the most important prerequisite. Whether it’s the use of artificial intelligence, changing employee expectations or the shift towards greater sustainability, the Tourism Day will cover the various facets of successful, forward-looking tourism. This year’s Tourism Day Schleswig-Holstein is taking place:

Thursday, November 30, 2023
Eckernförde town hall
Am Exer 1
24340 Eckernförde

Detailed information on the program, the Scientific instructors and registration can be found at www.ihk.de/sh/tourismustag. The participation fee is 95 euros per person; pupils, students and trainees pay 45 euros. Box office: 100 Euro / 50 Euro. Click here to register.

Tourismusustag Schleswig-Holstein is an annual industry get-together at IHK Schleswig-Holstein and is supported by the Hotel- und Gaststättenverband Schleswig-Holstein e.V., the German Institute for Tourism Research at FH Westküste University of Applied Sciences, Tourismus-Agentur Schleswig-Holstein GmbH and Tourismusverband Schleswig-Holstein e.V..

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