
ANNOUNCEMENT: “ON AIR” – second public exchange on digital visitor management on May 5, 2023

For almost a year and a half, the participants in the nationwide research project “AI-based Recommender for Sustainable Tourism (AIR)” have been working together on digital possibilities to avoid the temporary overloading of travel and excursion destinations through targeted visitor information and to identify suitable alternatives. The project is being funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) until the end of 2024. The aim of the project is to make a contribution to more sustainable tourism development by equalizing visitor flows with the help of a recommender.

For the long-term success of the project, it is not only the exchange between the project participants from research and practice that is important, but also the exchange with other stakeholders from the tourism industry. Following the successful launch of the digital exchange format “ON AIR” with over 100 participants at the end of January, it will enter its second round on Friday, May 5, 2023. All interested destinations and tourism stakeholders are cordially invited to the one-and-a-half-hour exchange. The event starts at 10.00 a.m. at https://fh-westkueste-de.zoom.us/j/89374465944. It is not necessary to register in advance.

The project’s own Adhocracy platform also offers further opportunities for exchange:

Topics relating to visitor management, data hubs, touchpoints, etc. can be discussed in the online discussion forum.
The interactive map on visitor measurement and visitor management lists good practices from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The result is an overview map of active and planned projects.
Initial results from the project and other interesting content on the topic of digital visitor management will be made available on an ongoing basis under Resources.

With a free Adhocracy account, anyone interested can comment, ask questions and enter projects. The AIR team is looking forward to lively participation.

If you have any questions about the platform and the project, please contact Lisa Naschert.

Further information on the project and the project participants can be found at https://di-tourismusforschung.de/de/details-zu-projekte/ai-basierter-recommender-fuer-nachhaltigen-tourismus-air and www.air-tourism.de.

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