Main research areas
Research topics (focal points)
- Sustainable development
- Tourism and nature conservation
- Regional development and regional economics
Teaching topics (focal points)
- Sustainability management in tourism
- Tourism and development cooperation
- Tourism and protected area management
- Sustainable regional development and tourism
Functions and memberships
- Volunteer tourism as a success factor for sustainable development and international understanding in developing countries
B.A., International Tourism Management, second supervision - The role of sustainable tourism in tourism development in Iceland
B.A., International Tourism Management, second supervision - Sustainability in cruise tourism
B.A., International Tourism Management, second supervision - Tourism in protected areas - opportunities and risks - a critical analysis
B.A., International Tourism Management, second supervision - Sustainable destination management: possibilities and limits of DMOs for the sustainable orientation of the destination, illustrated using the example of Sauerland Tourismus e.V.
M.A., International Tourism Management, second supervision
Presentations and lectures
Presentations and lectures
- Arnegger, J., Herz, M., & Mayer, M. (2018). Destination image, reputation, and tourism competitiveness – the case of Azerbaijan. Presentation at DGT annual conference in Heide/Sankt Peter-Ording, 08.-11.11.2018
- Arnegger, J., Schaaff, C., Gokhelashvili, R. (2016). Supporting Georgia’s Protected Areas: Linking Conservation and Local Development. In D. A. Vasiljevic (Ed.), Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV 8 - Proceedings, 61–63). Novi Sad, Serbia: University of Novi Sad | Faculty of Sciences Dept. of Geography, Tourism and Hotel management.
- Arnegger, J., Dieterich, T., & Rodina, V. (2014). Local awareness, acceptance and tourism development: challenges and opportunities for protected area management in post-Soviet countries – the Samur-Yalama National Park, Azerbaijan. In: M. Reimann et al. (eds.), Local Community and Outdoor Recreation: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas (148-150). Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikool.
- Herz, M. & Arnegger, J. (2013). Country Image Effects of Mega-events in Emerging Tourist Destinations – The 2012 Eurovision Song Contest in Baku. In: Proceedings of the 42nd EMAC Annual Conference (June 04-07 2013; Istanbul, Turkey).
- Arnegger, J. (2012). Protected Areas, the Tourist Bubble and Regional Economic Development. In P. Fredman et al. (Eds.), Outdoor Recreation in Change - Current Knowledge and Future Challenges. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas. (122-123). Stockholm, Sweden: Forskningsprogrammet Friluvtsliv i Förändring.
Download-Link - Arnegger, J. (2010). Economic Effects of Tourism in the Souss-Massa National Park, Morocco. In M. Goossen et al. (Eds.), Recreation, Tourism and Nature in a Changing World. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas. (238-240). Wageningen: Alterra, Wageningen University and Research Centre.