Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Hußmann
Professorship in the Department of Technology | Head of the Digitalization in Organic Farming Group
Room: Gebäude 1.1, Nr. 1.024
Main research areas
Research topics (focal points)
- Machine Vision applications
- Real-time image processing
- Embedded systems design
Teaching topics (focal points)
- Microprocessor and digital technology
- Digital systems
- Image processing
Functions and memberships
Bachelor theses
- Concept development for the quality control of power electronic assemblies
- Concept development for the optical inspection of medical blister packs
- Development and construction of a "low-cost drone" for smart farming applications
- Development of an image processing system for the quality control of pet food packaging
- Development of a project for the microprocessors lab based on the Arduino computing platform
- Development of a system for semi-autonomous flying using plant row recognition in organic farming
- Development of a wear detection system for ball bearings to meet the requirements of Industry 4.0
- Comparison and cost-effectiveness of robots in an industrial environment
- Development of a real-time capable long-range stereo vision system for three-dimensional image generation
- Development of a real-time capable matching algorithm for object recognition in different camera systems
- Evaluation of a deep learning network using YOLO architecture for pattern recognition of several different classes
- Design of a camera system for recording and evaluating the size of pastilles
- Investigation of parameter changes on the network topology in deep learning networks for pattern recognition in organic farming
- Development of a real-time capable algorithm for the singulation of plants based on RGB images from organic farming
- Development of a real-time capable weed killing unit based on a delta robot, as well as the investigation of repeatability and speed
- Development of an algorithm for efficient image splitting to optimize classification using a convolutional neural network
- Evaluation of different real-time capable algorithms for the segmentation of plants from an RGB image in organic farming
- Construction and commissioning of a food computer, taking into account the energy balance
- Implementation of bidirectional communication between a merchandise management system and a mobile robot using the Robot Operation System and QR codes
- Design of a camera system for recording and evaluating the size of pastilles
- Development of an energy-saving lighting unit for measuring various plants
- Development of a microcontroller-controlled RGB/IR lighting unit for time-of-flight cameras
- Investigation of the input data on the network topology of a deep learning network for pattern recognition of carrot plants
- Development of a real-time capable algorithm for the singulation of plants based on RGB images from organic farming
- Development of a real-time capable weed killing unit based on a delta robot, as well as the investigation of repeatability and speed
- Evaluation of different automatic methods for efficient real-time weed control while at the same time protecting the crop
- Construction and commissioning of a food computer, taking into account the energy balance
- Implementation of bidirectional communication between a merchandise management system and a mobile robot using the Robot Operation System and QR codes
- Development and implementation of a printed board for a global shutter CMOS image sensor
- Development of circuit and layout of a 12 magapixel CMOS camera with global shutter and USB 3.0 interface as the basis for a monocular 3D light field camera
- Selection of a laser triangulation displacement sensor for precise measurement of closures
- Development of a real-time capable robot simulation workstation for the evaluation of various sensors and algorithms for automatic plant recognition
- Development of a real-time capable weed killing unit based on current induction via a targeted Tesla coil discharge via ionization nozzles
- Intercultural mediation process based on a project to set up and evaluate a typical laboratory experiment in the context of a university partnership between Germany and
China - Development of real-time data recording and visualization software for the university's energy metering system
- Promotion of the "internship semester" model at universities of applied sciences by organizing an information event with the participation of students / companies as part of a
University cooperation between Germany and China
- Evaluation of a ToF camera at close range for robotics applications
- Development of a device for continuous temperature measurement for the early detection of circulatory disorders during breast cancer treatment
- Development of a communication protocol and a graphical user interface for the data of a 3D LIDAR scanner
- Evaluation of a ToF camera at close range for robotics applications
- Development of a GPS-controlled Iphone navigation app with integrated web service for the FHW buildings
- Development of an audiovisual display unit for a scale at a workstation for the disabled
- Development and evaluation of a control concept in the area of commutator production with special consideration of the cost situation and the complex production structure at Robert Bosch GmbH in the Hildesheim plant
- Development of an Ethernet interface between a TOF camera and a configurable juice processor for real-time image data transmission
- Development of a web-based process monitoring system for a CMP plant using an 8-bit microcontroller
- Development of an iPhone app for controlling a vehicle using Bluetooth Low Energy radio technology
- A technical marketing analysis and concept for Powerby- Proxi focusing on business-to-business marketing
- Development of an Ethernet interface between a PC and a configurable juice processor for real-time image data transfer
Presentations and lectures
Presentations and lectures
Präsentationen und Vorträge
- Development and evaluation of a low-cost delta robot system for weed control applications in organic farming – I2MTC 2019 in Auckland, 22.05.2019
- Image matching algorithm for weed control applications in organic farming –I2MTC 2019 in Auckland, 23.05.2019
- The use of AI in organic farming – University of Auckland in Auckland, 23.05.2019
- BoniRob – Ist eine automatisierte Unkrautregulierung in Baumschulen möglich? – Florum 2019, Gartenbauzentrum der Landwirtschaftskammer Schleswig-Holstein in Ellerhoop, 29.08.2019
- Robotergestützte Unkrautregulierung im Bio-Möhrenanbau – Norla 2019 in Rendsburg, 06.09.2019
- Hochschulen, Startups und Unternehmen zeigen, welche Probleme sie mit KI lösen können – KI4YOU – KI-Projekte richtig aufgesetzt in Kiel, 30.09.2019
- 52. Arbeitskreis der Initiative Bildverarbeitung e.V.: Verwendung eines CNN für die Erkennung von Arten bei Gartenvögeln, Firma Vishay Bccomponents Beyschlag GmbH, Heide, 04.12.2018
- KTBL Tagung (Robotics und Automatisierung im Gartenbau), Unkraut erkennen und bekämpfen, FH Erfurt, Erfurt, 17.09.2018
- mit F. Knoll, M. Grelcke, V. Czymnek, T. Holtorf: "CPU architecture for a fast and energy-saving calculation of convolution neural networks", Proc. SPIE Vol.10335/Proc. SPIE 10334, Digital Optical Technologies 2017/Automated Visual Inspection and Machine Vision II, 2017, 103351M/103340P.
- mit F. Knoll, T. Holtorf: "Modified 3D time-of-flight camera for object separation in organic farming", Proc. SPIE Vol.10335, Digital Optical Technologies 2017, 2017, 103351R.
Vorträge auf internationalen Fachtagungen
- "CPU architecture for a fast and energy-saving calculation of convolution neural networks", SPIE Digital Optical Technologies 2017/ SPIE Optical Metrology 2017, München, 28+29.06.17. "Modified 3D time-of-flight camera for object separation in organic farming", SPIE Digital Optical Technologies 2017, München, 28.06.17
- Vortrag „Jäterroboter - die hochgenaue Unkrauterkennung im Bioanbau“ bei der Veranstaltung „Perspektiven für den Ökolandbau-Ökologische Landwirtschaft: traditionell und innovativ“ in Rendsburg auf dem NORLA-Messegelände am 27.02.2017
- Vortrag auf dem 48. Arbeitskreis der Initiative Bildverarbeitung e.V. „Implementierung eines echtzeitfähigen CPU Designs zur Berechnung eines Convolutional Neural Network auf einem FPGA“ bei der Firma TOMRA Sorting GmbH in Wedel am 9.03.2017
- Vorstellung des Projektes „Hochgenaue Unkrauterkennung im Bioanbau“ auf der Fachtagung an der FH Westküste „Nichtstun ist keine Option – Der Mensch in der Arbeitswelt 4.0“ am 16.06.2017.
- Ausstellung und Vorführung auf dem „Holsteiner Versuchsnachmittag“ in der Landwirtschaftskammer Schleswig-Holstein in Ellerhoop am 31.08.2017.
- Vortrag auf der MICROTEC NORD 2017 (Mensch – Elektronik – Maschine), „Künstliche neuronale Netze als intelligente Schnittstelle für die Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion“ an der FHW in Heide am 7.09.2017.
- Ausstellung und Vorführung des Bonirobs auf der "NORLA" in Rendsburg im Zeiraum 7-10.09.2017
- Vortrag auf dem 50. Arbeitskreis der Initiative Bildverarbeitung e.V. „Künstliche neuronale Netze als intelligente Schnittstelle für die Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion“ an der FHW in Heide am 30.11.2017.
- mit F. Knoll, T. Holtorf: “Investigation of Different Sensor Systems to Classify Plant and Weed in Organic Farming Applications“, IEEE Technically Sponsored SAI Computing Conf. 2016, London, 14.07.15
- mit F. Knoll, T. Holtorf: “Multimodal Image Stitching Algorithm for Weed Control Applications in Organic Farming", IEEE Technically Sponsored SAI Computing Conf. 2016, London, 14.07.15
- mit F. Knoll, T. Holtorf: „Vegetation index determination method based on color room processing for weed control applications in organic farming“, I2MTC 2016, Taipei, Taiwan, IEEE Konferenz, 25.05.16
- mit F. Knoll, T. Holtorf: Vorstellung des Projektes „Hochgenaue Unkrauterkennung im Bioanbau“ vor Schülern des Sommercamps am 25.08.2016 an der FHW
- mit F. Knoll, T. Holtorf: Vorstellung des Projektes „Hochgenaue Unkrauterkennung im Bioanbau“ auf der Mitgliederversammlung des Förderforums der FHW am 11.07.2016 an der FHW
- mit F. Knoll, T. Holtorf: Vortrag auf der IHK Innovationstour „Jäterroboter - die hochgenaue Unkrauterkennung im Bioanbau“ am 8.03.2016 an der FHW
- mit F. Knoll, T. Holtorf: Vorstellung des Projektes „Hochgenaue Unkrauterkennung im Bioanbau“ vor technisch interessierten Schülern der Holstenschule aus Neumünster am 12.01.2016 an der FHW
- „Investigation of different polar to Cartesian coordinate system conversion methods for ToF-cameras in the close-up range“, I2MTC 2015, PISA, IEEE KONFERENZ, 13.05.15
- “Real-time classification of industrial products based on the photonic-mixer-device sensor technology”. Conference IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium 2014, Queenstown, New Zealand, 19.02.2014
- “Modulation Method for minimizing the Depth Distortion Offset of Lock-in ToF Cameras”, Conference I2MTC 2013, Minneapolis, USA, 07.05.2013
- Real-time image processing of TOF range images using a single shot image capture algorithm. Vortrag auf der 29th IEEE International Conference on Instrumentation and Measurement Technology in Graz / Österreich am 15.05.2012.
- Systematic distance deviation error compensation for a TOF-camera in the close-up range. Vortrag auf der 29th IEEE International Conference on Instrumentation and Measurement Technology in Graz / Österreich am 15.05.2012.
- Real-time processing of TOF range images, Vortrag beim TOF-Workshop der Christian-Albrechts-Universität in Kiel, 2011.
- Qualitätskontrolle in der Industrie mittels 3D-Time-of-Flight-Kameras, Vortrag bei der IHK-Veranstaltung „Forschung erleben", Heide, 2011.