Dr. (AUT) Sabrina Seeler, LfbA International Tourism Management

Dr. (AUT) Sabrina Seeler

LfbA International Tourism Management

Room: Gebäude: 3.3, Raum: 2.013

Main research areas

Research topics (focal points)

  • Quality of life and tourism
  • Experiences & transformations in tourism
  • Effects of tourism
  • Strategic tourism management
  • Tourism acceptance / overtourism

Teaching topics (focal points)

  • Sustainability and tourism
  • Strategic management
  • Marketing-related seminars
  • Research-oriented seminars
  • Research methods

Functions and memberships

  • Senate Committee for Sustainability FH Westküste University of Applied Sciences
  • Schleswig-Holstein Tourism Advisory Board
  • ESD Certification Commission Schleswig-Holstein
  • Trilateral Wadden Sea Committee (including co-organization of Summer School 2024)
  • West Coast World Heritage Working Group (including co-organization of the Nature and Tourism Conference 2023 and 2024)
  • Arbeitskreis Tourismusforschung (AKTF) of the German Society for Geography e.V.
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft e.V. (DGT) e.V. (German Society for Tourism Science)
  • Research network International Competence Network of Tourism Research and Education (ICNT)


2021 Vortrag “Tourismusakzeptanz in der deutschen Wohnbevölkerung (TAS)“. DTV Arbeitsgruppe „Nachhaltigkeit“, digitales Treffen, 09.03.2021

Gastvortrag “Transformative travel experiences: Host and guest transformations.” Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 15.01.2021

2020 Präsentation „Forschungsprojekt „TAS“ – zur Tourismusakzeptanz in Deutschland“. AG Forschung und Monitoring, digitale Veranstaltung, 26.10.2020

Gastvorträge im Rahmen der von der Bayerischen Staatsregierung veröffentlichten Ausschreibung „Internationale Gastprofessorinnen und Gastprofessoren“ „Tourism, Social Entrepreneurship and Community Development” und “Sustainable Visitor Management: Perspectives from Norway and New Zealand”, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 13.01.2020

2018 Präsentationen “Bitten by the travel bug: What it means to be an experienced tourist.” Auckland University of Technology 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Finals, Auckland, Neuseeland, 17.08.2018 und Asia-Pacific 3 Minute Thesis Finals, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australien, 27.09.2018.
2014 Vortrag „Die Themenkompetenz deutscher Reiseziele:

Aktuelle Ergebnisse der Themenstudie Destination Brand 13 für das Reiseziel Insel Usedom“, Usedom Tourismus GmbH (UTG), UTG Partnertag, Ückeritz, 01.07.2014 (https://b2b.usedom.de/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Destination-Brand2013_Themenkompetenz-Usedom.pdf)

Präsentation „Destination Brand: Evaluation of Dutch tourist destinations by the Germans”, Amsterdam, 13.02.2014

2013 Vortrag „Erlebnis.NRW-Projekt „Marktforschung: Ergebnisse für das Münsterland“, Münsterland Tourismus GmbH, Tourismustag Münsterland, Flughafen Münster-Osnabrück, 14.10.2013

Präsentation “Branding for destinations”. European Tourism Futures Research Network Meeting, Brüssel, Belgien, 16.09.2013



2020 “Undisputable access to (un-)protected and overtourism – Curse or blessing?” 30th CAUTHE conference, Auckland, Neuseeland, 03.-06.02.2020

Let’s travel where the Wi-Fi is weak – but let me share my location fist. Paradoxes and realities of off-the-beaten-track tourists. 30th CAUTHE conference, Auckland, Neuseeland, 03.-06.02.2020

2019 The experienced tourist’s quest for knowledge enhancement and immersion: The future for sustainable visitor management? 28th Nordic Symposium, Roskilde, Dänemark, 23.-25.10.2019

Stakeholder involvement in visitor management: What, Who & How? 28th Nordic Symposium, Roskilde, Dänemark, 23.-25.10.2019

“‘Rights to roam’ or ‘Rights to ruin’? A critical assessment of regulation practices in the context of overtourism.“ Overtourism and Undertourism conference, Lecce, Italien, 26.-28.06.2019

„The unavoidable truth of a sustainable tourism future: When neoliberal maximization strategies meet regulation practices.” 13th conference of the International Competence Network of Tourism Research and Education (ICNT), Stenden University, Leeuwarden, Niederlande, 16.-19.09.2019

Experienced tourists’ desire for off-the-beaten path travel – a chance for tourism dispersion and reducing seasonality? 4th Tourism Research Network PhD / ECR Symposium, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, England, 14.-15-05.2019

2018 Lost in translation – The conceptual meaning of the term ‘experience’. SMAANZ-CAUTHE 2018 HDR Conference, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australien, 19.-20.07.2018
2017 Increased travel experience and its effects on responsible and sustainable travel behaviour, 11th conference of the International Competence Network of Tourism Research and Education (ICNT), Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, Neuseeland, 13.-19.11.2017

The experienced tourist: The role of Social Media Influencers, 27th CAUTHE conference, Dunedin, Neuseeland, 07.-10.02.20217

2016 Who is an Experienced Tourist? A review of the literature and identification of research gaps, 10th conference of the International Competence Network of Tourism Research and Education (ICNT), Fachhochschule Westküste, Heide, Deutschland.
2014 Germany’s Destination Marketing Organizations’ change towards a more strategic alignment - The development of key indicator-based controlling systems 8th conference of the International Competence Network of Tourism Research and Education (ICNT), Anahuac University, Mexico
2012 Hiking in Germany – from old tradition to new trend: A description of the target group and travel motives of German hikers. Presentation at the 6th conference of the International Competence Network of Tourism Re-search and Education (ICNT), Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, Kanada.




Forschungsreisestipendium, SMAANZ-CAUTHE 2018 HDR Conference, Brisbane, Australien Juli 2018

Gewinnerin “AUT 3MT Thesis Competition”, Vorstellung der Doktorarbeit in 3 Minuten, August 2018 (https://youtu.be/PqJMuqPuaYQ)

“Tomorrow’s Tourism Leaders: The Future Tourism leaders: Their view of tourism in 2025 & beyond”, PATA Global Insights Conference, Auckland, Neuseeland, 30.09.2017


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