About us

The Institute's work is characterized by practical relevance, independence and neutrality.

The German Institute for Tourism Research conducts interdisciplinary research and brings together scientific expertise from various disciplines under one roof. The Institute’s work is further enriched by members from other scientific fields and an advisory board. In this way, the issues examined are considered and categorized comprehensively.

The institutional resources of DI Tourismusforschung are sustainable in the long term. This ensures that tasks can be carried out continuously and over the long term. With the aim of being measured qualitatively and quantitatively by scientific publications, among other things, the German Institute for Tourism Research not only provides scientific findings, but also safeguards its own standards.

Research areas

The German Institute for Tourism Research is Germany's first point of contact for applied, empirical tourism research in its following and interconnected core areas. The institute conducts interdisciplinary research and brings together scientific expertise from various disciplines under one roof. In this way, the issues examined are considered and categorized comprehensively.

Travel behavior

Consideration of travel under political, economic, social, ecological and technical influences with a focus on people and tourism demand

Effects of traveling

Examination of the social, environmental and economic impacts resulting from the demand for travel. In addition to aspects such as tourism acceptance or value chains, the effects of travel behavior on the environment and the necessary derivations are also examined, for example

Strategic development

Supporting tourism management in strategic decisions through insights from travel behavior and the effects of tourism demand

The German Institute for Tourism Research provides benefits

By transferring its research results, the institute promotes the exchange between science, industry and society. Contributions to meetings and conferences of the scientific community provide valuable input, as do application-oriented research projects with external partners or cooperation with universities and research institutes in Germany and abroad.

The German Institute for Tourism Research is able to address socially and scientifically relevant topics, process them and make them usable for the general public. The findings and impulses from the research work create practical benefits for all sectors of the economy associated with tourism. The methods developed also serve to improve the public’s understanding of tourism phenomena and thus develop tourism in a sustainable way.

The German Institute for Tourism Research promotes future specialists

Discussion and solution approaches to tourism issues are incorporated directly into teaching at FH Westküste University of Applied Sciences in the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree courses in International Tourism Management. As a result, students learn at a high scientific level using current and real examples. The German Institute of Tourism Research is thus fulfilling its central objective of promoting academic training in tourism in order to secure qualifications for tourism practice, related industries and tourism research in the long term. A particular focus here is also on practical relevance, which is ensured by the close networking of science, business and society.

In addition to the assignment of topics for term papers, Bachelor’s or Master’s theses by the Institute, research projects are also regularly linked to teaching and supervised by students. By supporting doctoral projects, young academics are given an additional boost; the personnel basis for tourism research in Germany is promoted.

Here you will find all the important information and contact details of our members.

Here you will find information on our memberships and cooperation partners.


The German Institute for Tourism Research has grown and proven itself

The German Institute for Tourism Research was founded on June 12, 2020 as an in-house institute at FH Westküste University of Applied Sciences. The roots of the new institute go back much further. The German Institute for Tourism Research emerged from the Institute for Management and Tourism (IMT), which – measured by the number of employees – has developed into the largest in-house institute in tourism at a German university since its foundation in 2006 and has thus become a “beacon” for the research and study location Heide (Holst.).

This importance and many years of experience were taken into account when the institute was rededicated as the German Institute for Tourism Research in 2020. As Director of the Institute, Professor Dr. Bernd Eisenstein ensures the continuation of the successful work of the IMT, which he founded and led.

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